
Geology and multiple images

As you’ve probably already guessed, I have something of a love affair with the rocks of Pembrokeshire. The textures and colours that can be found in all the different and wonderfully named types of rock mean that no trip to the coast is complete without a look at what lies there. Ordovician shales, silurian volcanics, carboniferous limestones and many more can be seen here. In fact, Pembrokeshire is a popular site for geological field trips and yellow helmeted groups of students can often be seen poking around at the most interesting and accessible areas. I’m no geologist so couldn’t tell you which ones are which, but I can point out which ones I like.

I’ve often tried to make images of sections that are particularly attractive to me but the results have never quite pleased me. After a bit of time on photoshop this morning I thought I’d share this with you. I took three different images and combined elements I liked to create an image that was a bit more abstract. Something I might pursue or might leave as a project that didn’t quite work. Some parts of the image are out of focus because of the angle I was shooting the rock so I have to have another go and get that right at least. All of the images are taken in various places around the cliffs at Abereiddy.